Cheapest Nerja transfers prices to Malaga by taxi
In Nerjataxi we also offer you the cheapest prices for transfers from Nerja to Malaga by taxi to the different travel stations, or to the center of Malaga. One of the most common is the taxi transfers from Nerja to the RENFE station in Malaga to take the AVE train to Madrid or Seville. We also take you to the Cruise Terminal of the Port, or if you want, we leave you in the center of Malaga to go shopping or have a beer sitting in the sun in one of its bars.
Cheapest Malaga Airport to Nerja taxi prices and local transfers
Book the cheapest nerja transfers from any of the taxis stops of the town. Of course, just like has book the best taxi prices from malaga airport to nerja, also you can do it from your apartment, hotel or vacation home, for the cheapest prices. Tour the towns near Nerja and East of the Costa del Sol by taxi, such as Frijiliana, Cómpeta, Torrox, Maro and Caves, La Herradura or Almuñecar. In addition, if you need, it here you can see what to visit in Nerja, to better organize your holidays.
Prices of visits and tourist tours by taxis from Nerja
In addition to Malaga Airport to Nerja taxi prices, do not miss our tourist visits by taxi with round-trip transfers through the most prominent destinations in Andalusia. Enjoy with your friends and family a wonderful visit to the Alhambra in Granada, the mosque of Córdoba or the historic center of Seville with its Giralda. And also, you can choose a private minivan or minibus visit to Gibraltar or Ronda in the mountain range that bears his name. And we cannot forget to visit the great city of Almería and the towns of La Alpujarra.